"Tree Hugger"

Monday, December 27, 2010


"The study of Xenoestrogen is new but it is going to become a major subject of discussion as more is learned. Aside for causing fat storage on the body, it has connections to cancer and other illnesses."

Definition: Xeno-
foreign, strange, different
They are a class of endocrine disruptor (chemicals in the environment that go into your body and act like hormones). Xenoestrogens are endocrine disruptors that act like estrogen. Estrogen is a fat storing and fat creating hormone.
They are industrially made compounds, that have estrogenic effects and differ chemically from normal estrogens produced by living organisms.1
There is a concern that xenoestrogens may act as false messengers and disrupt the process of reproduction. Xenoestrogens, like all estrogens, can increase growth of the endometrium, so treatments for endometriosis include avoidance of products which contain them.
Another potential effect of xenoestrogens is on oncogenes, specifically in relation to breast cancer. Lately there is substantial evidence in a variety of recent studies to indicate that xenoestrogens can increase breast cancer growth in tissue culture.
 It has been suggested that very low levels of a xenoestrogen, Bisphenol A, could affect fetal neural signalling more than higher levels, indicating that classical models where dose equals response may not be applicable in susceptible tissue.[17] As this study involved intra-cerebellar injections, its relevance to environmental exposures is unclear, as is the role of an estrogenic effect compared to some other toxic effect of bisphenol A.

http://www.endo101.com/xeno.htm (more about effects of xenoestrogens)
How to detox from xenoestrogens naturally.
Xenoestrogens are so pervasive in our world, that no one can avoid them. So, how can you detoxify your body and eliminate them as much as possible? Luckily, there are many natural xenoextstrogen detoxifiers to add to our diet or supplements.
Phytoestrogens are probably at the top of the list. Why would you want to put MORE estrogen into your body, you ask? It’s because phytoestrogens, found in plants, bind to the receptors that xenoestrogens bind to and keep them from accumulating in your body.
These weak estrogens, found in beans, leafy green vegetables and oils, are a very good way to detoxify and remove xenoestrogens naturally. Another good detoxifier and cancer preventive is Indole 3-Carbinol found in cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage and broccoli.
You can find Indole 3-Carbinol in capsules, but getting it from vegetables also gives you the rest of the plant’s nutrition. It helps your liver remove xenoestrogens and also provides vitamins and minerals that enhance your body’s immune system.
One thing that may NOT be good for reducing xenoestrogens is coffee. Some studies show that caffeine boosts estrogen levels at more than a single cup a day. Of course, there are many more foods and drinks that contain caffeine, so it would be wise to be aware of this when choosing beverages and meals.
By choosing natural foods and personal care products and avoiding plastics, it’s possible to cut way down on the xenoestrogens that enter your body, but you can’t eliminate them entirely. To avoid the weight gain and health risks they pose, use the tips in this article to detox naturally.  More to follow in the next post.

                 Korach, Kenneth S. (1998). Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Marcel Dekker Ltd. pp. 278–279, 294–295.
                Evidence of effects of environmental chemicals on the endocrine system in children PMID 12837917.

                Pugazhendhi D, Sadler AJ, Darbre PD (2007). "Comparison of the global gene expression profiles produced by methylparaben, n-butylparaben and 17beta-oestradiol in MCF7 human breast cancer cells". J Appl Toxicol 27 (1): 67–77. doi:10.1002/jat.1200PMID 17121429.
^ Buterin T, Koch C, Naegeli H (August 2006). "Convergent transcriptional profiles induced by endogenous estrogen and distinct xenoestrogens in breast cancer cells".Carcinogenesis 27 (8): 1567–78. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgi339PMID 16474171.
^ Darbre PD (March 2006). "Environmental oestrogens, cosmetics and breast cancer". Best Pract. Res. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 20 (1): 121–43. doi:10.1016/j.beem.2005.09.007PMID 16522524.
^ Darbre PD, Aljarrah A, Miller WR, Coldham NG, Sauer MJ, Pope GS (2004). "Concentrations of parabens in human breast tumours". J Appl Toxicol 24 (1): 5–13. doi:10.1002/jat.958PMID 14745841.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mineral Oil and Petroleum

 Uses: Fragrance Ingredient; Hair Conditioning Agent; Skin-Conditioning Agent - Emollient; Skin-Conditioning Agent - Occlusive; Skin Protectant; Solvent; Antistatic; perfuming; Skin protecting 

Listed on labels as:


The cosmetics data base of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists mineral oil under the following categories:

* It is a known carcinogen . . . but so much “more”! Have you read the back of Pennzoil?
* Mineral oil is refined from crude oil – the substance that kills all the marine life after an oil spill in the ocean. Mineral oil is lighter, but the molecule stays the same size. It is too large to totally penetrate, so some stays on the surface, coating the surface and forming a barrier.
* Many companies that use mineral oil use the finest mineral oil – food grade. Hydrolized or hydrogenated oils. What hydrogenation does is basically plasticize these oils – they act like plastic in and on our bodies. This “plastic” coating keeps our skin from being effective at eliminating toxins and regulating temperature.
* Mineral oil is totally void of nutritional value. It not only doesn’t “feed” our skin, it actually leeches the skin of any nutrients that might be present because it is a humectant. It also blocks any nutrients that a company might have put in with the mineral oil.
* Mineral oil in moisturizers has been named by Johns Hopkins University as the #2 cause of aging – second only to exposure to the sun. So, if you are using skin care with mineral oil, or even just lotion with mineral oil, you are actually doing everything right on a daily basis to cause your face to look older sooner! Not to mention what it does for your hormones and your cancer risk.

Petroleum-based cosmetics and skin care products found to contain cancer-causing chemical 1,4-dioxane

A recent study by the non-profit Environmental Working Group showed that many cosmetic products -- including more than half of all baby soaps -- contained a carcinogenic chemical. Internal studies in the cosmetics industry show that many of their products can be contaminated by a carcinogenic impurity called 1,4-dioxane, and the EWG's independent study showed that 1,4-dioxane is fairly widespread among cosmetic products.

What you need to know - Conventional View
• The study found 22 percent of all cosmetic and skin care products may be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane.

• It also found that 80 percent of all cosmetic products may be contaminated with one or more carcinogenic impurities.

• In addition to 1,4-dioxane, six other major impurities are hydroquinone, ethylene dioxide, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, PAHs, and acrylamides.

• The EWG analysis found 1,4-dioxane in a wide variety of cosmetic products on the market, including almost all brands of hair relaxers and more than half of the baby soaps on the market. Contamination levels found were as follows:
  • 97% - hair relaxers
  • 82% - hair dyes and bleaching
  • 66% - hair removers
  • 57% - baby soap
  • 45% - sunless tanning products
  • 43% - body firming lotion
  • 36% - hormonal creams
  • 36% - facial moisturizers
  • 35% - anti-aging products
  • 34% - body lotion
  • 33% - around-eye creams

• The analysis assessed the ingredient lists of 15,000 cosmetics and other personal care products.

• Another impurity, hydroquinone, can potentially contaminate the products used daily by 94 percent of all women and 69 percent of all men, the EWG reported.

• To avoid 1,4-dioxane, read ingredient labels and avoid any of the 56 cosmetic ingredients that can contain the contaminant, including "sodium laureth sulfate" and ingredients that include the clauses "PEG," "xynol," "ceteareth," and "oleth."

• "One of every five adults is potentially exposed every day to all of the top seven carcinogenic impurities common to personal care product ingredients," the EWG said regarding a 2004 study.

What you need to know - Alternative View

Statements and opinions by Mike Adams, executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center

• Common, brand-name
skin care products often contain multiple chemical contaminants known to cause cancer, liver disorders and neurological disorders.

• I strongly advise consumers to avoid using non-organic cosmetics or skin care products. Switch to trusted, organic products from companies like Arbonne, (www.Arbonne.com)
  Dr. Bronner's (www.DrBronner.com) or Pangea Organics (www.PangeaOrganics.com)

• Remember that any creams or cosmetics you put on your skin get absorbed into your blood. Don't put anything on your skin that you couldn't safely eat!

Bottom line

Many cosmetic products include carcinogenic contaminants in them.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Your Skin: Both a protector and a passageway

Compared to other body structures, the skin is unique in being perpetually exposed to the  environment.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it performs a variety of functions:
·         Protection is provided against biological invasion, physical damage, and ultraviolet radiation.
·         Sensation for touch, pain, and heat is provided by nerve endings.
·         Thermoregulation is supported through the sweating and regulation of blood flow through the skin.
·         Metabolism of vitamin D occurs in the skin.
·         Storage of blood that can be shunted to other parts of the body when needed takes place in the skin.
·         Excretion of salts and small amounts of wastes (ammonia and urea) occurs with the production of sweat.

The normal skin pH of the skin is acidic; between 4 to 5.5. This acidic pH mixture is called the acid mantle. The acid mantle protects the skin from bacteria. Bacteria get killed by the acid and cannot damage the skin. If you strip the skin of its acidic mantle by using strong alkaline soaps/cleansers, bacteria will find it easy to attack the skin. Moreover removing the acid mantle disturbs the distribution of dead cells on top of epidermis. This is called stratum corneum. The structure of cells in the dead skin cells layer gets disturbed and the bacteria find an easy passage through to the epidermis. Normally these dead cells protect the skin against such damages. These dead cells if allowed to accumulate will make the skin look very bad, but if totally removed, the skin is left defenseless to an extent. (Doctorgoodskin.com)
The sweat glands produce sweat in response to heat and stress. Sweat is composed of water, salt, and other chemicals. As sweat evaporates off the skin, it helps cool the body.  The sebaceous glands secrete sebum into hair follicles. Sebum is an oil, that keeps the skin moist and soft and acts as a barrier against foreign substances. (merckmanuals.com)
The rate of dermal absorption of a substance is proportional to both the concentration of the substance and the surface area over which it is applied.  The wider the contact area and the more concentrated the substance, the greater will be the absorption.
The thickness of the skin, especially the stratum corneum, also determines the degree to which substances are absorbed.  Thicker skin is a greater barrier to passage of foreign substances.  Depending on skin thickness, there can also be variability in the absorption of a given substance by different regions of the body.  For example, hydrocortisone is absorbed over 50-times greater by genital skin versus the skin of the palms.  www.cape.ca/children/derm2.html
So, why all of the talk about skin?

Exposure by skin absorption is much more potent and creates a more toxic effect
* Example – transdermal progesterone (like Arbonne’s Prolief products) vs. oral supplementation takes 70 times MORE orally to get the same effect
* Nicotine patches/heart medication/sea sick skin applied patches – are given because they work!
* In just 26 seconds after any exposure to chemicals, they can be found in every organ of the body.”EPA brochure, Top 10 “Killer” Household Chemicals
* “The basic problem is that nowadays most of our products are made from petrochemical derivatives of nonrenewable crude oil.” (Dadd p. 12)

Why is this a problem? Primarily, because of what these petrochemicals do to our nervous systems and our hormones.
“Neurotoxins are so called because they are toxic to your nervous system. The core of your nervous system is your brain, which not only affects thinking and feeling but regulates every system in your body. When your nervous system is damaged, your entire body can be affected. The more common symptoms caused by neurotoxins are fatigue, memory loss, personality changes, headaches, sleep disturbances, muscle incoordination, visual disturbances, acnes and pains, and sexual dysfunction. And what are these neurotoxic substances? Many of the same petrochemicals that cause Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and cancer.” (Dadd, p. 19)

Tomorrow: Petrochemicals

Friday, December 17, 2010

Personal Care Toxins

The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that, until now, has had little other than ‘cruelty to animals’ to worry about as a minor obstacle to their marketing campaigns. The safety of beauty products has largely been taken for granted – who would wittingly poison their customers?  The Environmental Working Group notes that on average, adults apply 126 unique ingredients on their skin daily and nearly 90% of personal care product ingredients have not been evaluated for safety by any publicly accountable institution.

The low-down on what you put on your face and body:
• many beauty products are not well regulated • many use varying mixtures of synthetically produced chemicals • many of these synthetic chemicals have not been approved by regulation authorities, but find their way into products and onto shelves through loopholes in regulations • as much as a third of personal care products contain at least 1 chemical linked to cancer • mineral oil and petroleum are the basic ingredients in many cosmetic products – these have their origins in fossil fuels
Organic products should be certified, but if they are not, another good way to assess their validity is to look out for a list of natural ingredients. True organic personal care products do not contain preservatives – so there should be absolutely no sign of methyl or propylparabens.

Top 4 chemicals to avoid and why:
Sodium laureth sulphate - banned in Europe and Central America• It’s used because it makes things foam
• It’s found in toothpaste, shampoo, body and shower gels etc • It’s a suspected carcinogen linked to kidney and liver damage, nervous system disruption, eczema and dermatitis

Parabens (methyl, propyl, butyl & ethyl) – banned in Japan and Sweden and under review in the UK
• It’s used as a preservative or germicide • It’s found in conditioners, hair gels, nail creams, foundations, mascara, facial masks, skin creams, deodorants, sunscreen and hair colouring • It’s a hormone disrupter – mimics natural estrogens that lead to cancer; linked to breast cancer, skin rashes

Formaldehyde family Diazolidinyl urea, 3-diol Imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM Hydantoin, Quaternium-15, Nitorpropane-1, Formalin, Methanal, Methyl aldehyde, Methylene oxide etc. banned in Europe
• It’s used because it’s a disinfectant, fungicide, germicide, defoamer and preservative • It’s found in shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, liquid hand wash, skin lotions, bubble bath, hair care products, antiperspirants, nail polishes, talcs, mouthwash etc • It can cause allergic reactions, dermatitis, headaches; it irritates mucous membranes, is linked to joint and chest pain, fatigue, dizziness and immune dysfunction.
Mineral oil, Petroleum,Petrolatum
Potentially contaminated with impurities linked to cancer or other significant health problems
•Potential breast cancer risks potential breast carcinogen
•This chemical is used in these types of products:
Lip Balm/Treatment, Moisturizer, Eye Drops/Artificial Tears, Pain/Wound Treatment, Diaper Cream, Anti-itch/rash Cream, Sunscreen/Tanning Oil (naturalskincareauthority.com)
More Cosmetic Toxins

1.MercuryKnown human carcinogen.
2.Lead AcetateKnown human carcinogen.
3.FormaldehydeKnown human carcinogen
4.TolueneReproductive/developmental toxin
5.Petroleum DistillatesPossible human carcinogen
6.EthylacrylatePossible human carcinogen
7.Coal TarKnown human carcinogen
8.Dibutyl PhthalateReproductive/developmental toxin
9.Potassium DichromatePossible human carcinogen
10.2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-DiolForms carcinogens if mixed with nitrosating agents